Category: Prices

CRU: Longs Prices Continue to Rise, But Downside Pressures Emerging

By CRU Analyst Dave Thewlis, from CRU’s Steel Long Products Monitor U.S. long product prices continued to surge into the month of February due to ongoing market tightness and strong demand. Imports remain too costly to seriously consider for the majority of buyers, given high international steel prices coupled with costly shipping rates and tariffs. Rebar […] The post CRU: Longs Prices Continue to Rise, But Downside Pressures Emerging appeared first on Steel Market Update.

SMA: Biden Should Go Big on Infrastructure, Keep Section 232

The U.S. electric-arc furnace steelmaking industry is eager to work with the administration of President-elect Joe Biden to craft better trade, infrastructure and manufacturing policies, the head of the Steel Manufacturers Association said. And those efforts could be fruitful given Biden’s moderate positions on those issues and the moderation that will be necessary to effectively […] The post SMA: Biden Should Go Big on Infrastructure, Keep Section 232 appeared first on Steel Market Update.

Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc

Among steelmaking raw materials, the prices of iron ore, pig iron, scrap, zinc and aluminum continue to see large gains in December compared to months prior, up as much as 65 percent year over year. Iron ore, pig iron and scrap prices have seen significant increases compared to the late summer months. Coking coal prices […] The post Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc appeared first on Steel Market Update.