Contributor: Tim Triplett

CRU: Oversupply and Outages Push U.S. Scrap Prices Lower Than Expected

By CRU Analyst Ryan McKinley Domestic scrap prices in the U.S. fell by $30-40 /l.ton in September depending on region and grade—by about $20 /l.ton lower than was generally expected by the market. The steeper-than-expected decline was caused by a confluence of factors including ample supply, mill outages and a weakening export market. Obsolete prices were […] The post CRU: Oversupply and Outages Push U.S. Scrap Prices Lower Than Expected appeared first on Steel Market Update.

CRU: Scrap Prices Collapse Amid Weak Steel Markets

By CRU Principal Analyst Chris Asgill The pervasiveness of steel market weakness came to the fore this month, particularly for steel long products, leading to a sharp drop in scrap prices in almost every market we assess. Consequently, the CRU metallics price indicator (CRUmpi) dropped by 8.3 percent m/m to 209.4 (see chart), the lowest level since November […] The post CRU: Scrap Prices Collapse Amid Weak Steel Markets appeared first on Steel Market Update.

HARDI Members Surprised by Declining Galvanized Steel Prices

Demand for HVAC products remains relatively strong in an otherwise lukewarm steel market, but members of the Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) say they are challenged by declining galvanized steel prices and rising intensity from the competition. Polled six weeks ago, nearly all the HARDI members expected galvanized steel prices to stay […] The post HARDI Members Surprised by Declining Galvanized Steel Prices appeared first on Steel Market Update.

Mills Seek Third $40 Price Hike in the Past Month

Domestic steelmakers showed solidarity this week in their pursuit of higher flat rolled steel prices with most major mills announcing their third $40 increase in just the past month. U.S. Steel and USS-POSCO Industries (UPI) were the latest to notify customers of their price change on Tuesday, following on announcements Monday by Nucor and ArcelorMittal […] The post Mills Seek Third $40 Price Hike in the Past Month appeared first on Steel Market Update.