December 12, 2013
October Ferrous Scrap Exports Down
Written by Brett Linton
October ferrous scrap exports totaled 1,451,844 net tons (1,317,092 metric tons) with Turkey, Korea, Taiwan, China, and Mexico being the top five countries where scrap was sent. These countries accounted for over 74.1 percent of all scrap exports. Of the higher ranking countries in the table below, there was month-over-month increase in ferrous scrap exports going to China, India, Egypt, and Indonesia over the September figures, but a decrease in exports going to all of the other countries listed.
Total October ferrous scrap exports were 14.9 percent lower than previous month and 10.1 percent lower than the same month one year ago. This decrease over the previous month is primarily attributed to exports going Turkey, Taiwan, and Korea. Compared to the same month one year ago, Turkey, Taiwan, and India received significantly less shipments in October of this year, while exports going to China significantly increased.
On a year to date basis, total ferrous scrap exports are down 14.70 percent in comparison to the first 10 months of 2012, with top countries such as Turkey down 19.00 percent, Taiwan down 14.32 percent, Korea down 27.99 percent, India down 53.74 percent, and Canada down 23.67 percent.
Below is an interactice graph that enables you to view and compare Steel Market Update’s total ferrous scrap exports history along with the top 10 importing countries. Note that this graph is only available to members using the SMU website.
{amchart id=”106″ Ferrous Scrap Exports – Total and Top 10 Countries}
The post October Ferrous Scrap Exports Down appeared first on Steel Market Update.