
October Ferrous Scrap Exports Up MOM and YOY

Written by Brett Linton

October ferrous scrap exports totaled 1,473,856 net tons (1,337,061 metric tons) with Turkey, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, and Saudi Arabia being the top five countries receiving scrap from the United States. These five countries accounted for 72.4 percent of all scrap exports.

Total October ferrous scrap exports were 14.9 percent higher than previous month and 1.5 percent higher than the same month one year ago. Scrap going to many of the big players increased month over month, with Korea and Canada up nearly 50 percent. Compared to the same month one year ago, there are significant differences in tonnage levels going to the select countries we follow, but the overall results shows exports up 22,012 tons.

The table below lists the top ten importing countries along with the total amount of exported ferrous scrap.

Premium Note: We plan to publish a more in-depth article on ferrous scrap exports for our Premium customers tomorrow (Wednesday) of this week.

SMU Note: You can view the interactive graphic of our ferrous scrap exports history below, but only when you are logged into the website and reading the newsletter online. If you have not logged into the website in the past and need to know your log in information, please contact us at: or by calling 800-432-3475.

{amchart id=”106″ Ferrous Scrap Exports – Total and Top 10 Countries}

The post October Ferrous Scrap Exports Up MOM and YOY appeared first on Steel Market Update.

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