US copper scrap boosts China's edge amid surging prices and shortages
The Copper Paradox: How U.S. scrap exports propel China's manufacturing dominance amid global shortages.
The Copper Paradox: How U.S. scrap exports propel China's manufacturing dominance amid global shortages.
Aluminum prices hold steady amid new industry partnerships and Investments.
After nine quarters of tough sledding the question remains, will supply continue to hang on and slowly exit the marketplace, thus keeping rates rather tame, or will enough carriers get fed up and throw in the towel to have a marked impact on the rate environment?
The ferrous market faces a summer slowdown with scrap demand weaking, while EV shifts and potential tariff impacts loom large.
Kaiser Aluminum said it does not anticipate closures at its other manufacturing sites.
Study of EV owners reveals implications for the recycled metals industry.
U.S. scrap market stagnant amid summer demand.
What would such a policy need to be effective?
The average HRC price dropped this week, and the June price for busheling scrap tumbled from May.
"Metals had a positive reaction in light of this Fed move, but I think it's kind of a one-off."