Tag: Shredded

Scrap Negotiations Ongoing, Early News Pointing Toward +$30-$40

January scrap negotiations have begun between the domestic (USA & Canada) steel mills and their scrap suppliers. As one large scrap company put it, “Things are slow to develop today, but I’m anticipating some movement by day’s end.  This market has been sort of like a junior high dance at this point, with the reluctant […] The post Scrap Negotiations Ongoing, Early News Pointing Toward +$30-$40 appeared first on Steel Market Update.

The Future of Ferrous Futures – Looking Ahead to 2017

The following article on the hot rolled coil (HRC) futures markets was written by David Feldstein. As Flack Steel’s director of risk management, Dave is an active participant in the hot rolled coil (HRC) futures market and we believe he will provide insightful commentary and trading ideas to our readers. Besides writing Futures articles for […] The post The Future of Ferrous Futures – Looking Ahead to 2017 appeared first on Steel Market Update.

Ferrous Scrap Availability Could be “Tight” if Turkish Mills Enter Market

Since Tuesday Steel Market Update has received more input regarding the ferrous scrap markets and what we may be looking at regarding negotiations as we head into the month of January. We asked a couple of questions to World Steel Dynamic’s scrap guru, Mike Markley and this is what he told us: Initial thoughts are […] The post Ferrous Scrap Availability Could be “Tight” if Turkish Mills Enter Market appeared first on Steel Market Update.

The Relationship between the Price of Scrap and Three Useful Benchmarks

Often with steel related economic statistics it’s useful to compare a given data stream with others which may or may not be causally related. This usually puts the steel data into context and shows whether a direction change is for real. In this piece we are comparing the price of Chicago shredded scrap with the […] The post The Relationship between the Price of Scrap and Three Useful Benchmarks appeared first on Steel Market Update.