Tag: SMA

CRU: Global Scrap Prices Lose Momentum Due to Supply Influx

By CRU Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Metallics Monitor The CRU metallics price indicator (CRUmpi) was unchanged m/m in October at 225.6 following large price increases the prior month. Supply in many markets became more available as prices rose, and this helped prevent additional upside pressure. For November, market sentiment is that prices […] The post CRU: Global Scrap Prices Lose Momentum Due to Supply Influx appeared first on Steel Market Update.

CRU: Reclassifying Chinese Scrap Imports is Unlikely to Solve Market Tightness

By CRU Principal Analyst Chris Asgill, from CRU’s Global Steel Trade Service China has banned steel scrap imports for the past year as part of its solid waste management policies that affect imports on a wide range of metal scrap and plastic waste. Recently, policymakers announced that a review on these policies will be sped […] The post CRU: Reclassifying Chinese Scrap Imports is Unlikely to Solve Market Tightness appeared first on Steel Market Update.