Tag: SMA

CRU: Chinese Pig Iron Imports Lift as High Local Scrap Costs Persist

By CRU Principal Analyst Chris Asgill There has been a marked rise in Chinese imports of pig iron and HBI this year. This has been primarily due to limited domestic scrap supply that cannot be offset by external supply due to restrictions in scrap imports. Limited scrap supply relative to demand has meant that scrap prices in […] The post CRU: Chinese Pig Iron Imports Lift as High Local Scrap Costs Persist appeared first on Steel Market Update.

CRU: Turkish Scrap Import Price Edges Closer to $250/t

By CRU Analyst Alexander Ordosch Last week, Turkish scrap import prices were assessed at $248 /t CFR for HMS 80:20. Only one deal was assessed from Europe, after strong restocking activity over recent weeks. Prices have been rising in recent weeks as sellers have pushed for gains as it had become uneconomic to supply at the lower prices […] The post CRU: Turkish Scrap Import Price Edges Closer to $250/t appeared first on Steel Market Update.

CRU: How Will U.S. Iron Ore Grow? Scenarios for the Future

By CRU Senior Analysts Ryan McKinley (USA), Ryan Smith (Australia) and Erik Hedborg (UK) Part three of our three-part series: What’s next for U.S. iron ore production? In parts one and two of our series, we examined the U.S. iron ore industry and reviewed recent market developments. We also explored the dependency of U.S. iron […] The post CRU: How Will U.S. Iron Ore Grow? Scenarios for the Future appeared first on Steel Market Update.

Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc

Compared to three months ago, all five of the raw materials prices considered in this report declined in October. Compared to September, there was a recovery in the prices of coking coal and zinc. Table 1 summarizes the price changes through Oct. 16 of the five materials considered in this analysis. It reports the month/month, […] The post Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc appeared first on Steel Market Update.

CRU: Turkish Scrap Import Price Stable, for Now…

By CRU Analyst Alexander Ordosch After several weeks of steady Turkish scrap, import prices were stable last week at $225 /t CFR for HMS 80:20. We have assessed seven deals totaling about 274 kt, indicating a second week of strong scrap purchasing activity. Turkish scrap import prices have now reached a level that allows Turkish steel mills to export […] The post CRU: Turkish Scrap Import Price Stable, for Now… appeared first on Steel Market Update.

Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc

Raw materials prices were erratic in September with four of the five considered here experiencing price reversals since August. Table 1 summarizes the price changes through Sept. 25 of the five materials considered in this analysis. It reports the month / month, 3 months / 3 months and 12 months / 12 months changes on […] The post Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc appeared first on Steel Market Update.