Tag: SMA

Steel Mill Lead Times Change Direction, Extend Modestly

Steel mill lead times extended across the board this week, with production times increasing for all five products we track. Recall that lead times for hot-rolled, cold-rolled, and galvanized products were previously at or near multi-year lows in our late November market check. Lead times are up by an average of 0.5 weeks compared to […] The post Steel Mill Lead Times Change Direction, Extend Modestly appeared first on Steel Market Update.

INTERVIEW: Stickler Sticks With Proven Model for New Hybar Minimill

Sticking with a business model that’s proven successful over the past three decades, David Stickler and his team at Global Principal Partners (GPP) hope to make their next endeavor with Hybar’s two new rebar minimills another prosperous one. Steel Market Update sat down with the industry veteran this week in an exclusive interview to discuss […] The post INTERVIEW: Stickler Sticks With Proven Model for New Hybar Minimill appeared first on Steel Market Update.

Hot Rolled vs Scrap Price Spread Inching Back Up

The spread between hot-rolled coil (HRC) and prime scrap prices has changed course in recent weeks, according to Steel Market Update data. Busheling scrap prices declined for the fifth consecutive month in September, while hot-rolled prices have levelled out in recent weeks. Overall, we had seen a shrinking delta between the two products from May […] The post Hot Rolled vs Scrap Price Spread Inching Back Up appeared first on Steel Market Update.