Tag: SMU

Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc

In the last month, the prices of three of the five raw materials tracked by Steel Market Update in this report declined, one advanced and one was unchanged.   Table 1 summarizes the price changes through Nov. 20 of the five materials considered in this analysis. It reports the month/month, 3 months/3 months and 12 months/12 […] The post Raw Materials Prices: Iron Ore, Coking Coal, Pig Iron, Scrap, Zinc appeared first on Steel Market Update.

CRU: Scrap Prices Find Floor as Supply Dries Up and Demand Returns

By Senior Analyst Ryan McKinley, from CRU’s Steel Metallics Monitor The CRU metallics price indicator (CRUmpi) rose by 7.5 percent m/m to 195.7 (see chart) after prices rose in most markets. The most pronounced rebounds were in the U.S. and European scrap markets, while prices in Asia either rose or were stable. Prices in regions […] The post CRU: Scrap Prices Find Floor as Supply Dries Up and Demand Returns appeared first on Steel Market Update.

CRU: Chinese Pig Iron Imports Lift as High Local Scrap Costs Persist

By CRU Principal Analyst Chris Asgill There has been a marked rise in Chinese imports of pig iron and HBI this year. This has been primarily due to limited domestic scrap supply that cannot be offset by external supply due to restrictions in scrap imports. Limited scrap supply relative to demand has meant that scrap prices in […] The post CRU: Chinese Pig Iron Imports Lift as High Local Scrap Costs Persist appeared first on Steel Market Update.